Experimental Features

Experimental Features are features that have not been ironed out fully yet, but which you can enable to try out and share feedback about. Based on the usage and feedback the feature eventually becomes official in the WebUI or might be removed if proven not to work well or not to add enough value to users.

How to enable or disable Experimental Features

To access and enable/disable the list of experimental features, please follow the below steps:

  1. You need to press the three-key combination CTRL+SHIFT+. (Control Key + Shift Key + Dot/Fullstop Key).

  2. Once you have keyed in this combination you will see a new icon experimental-features in the Application Toolbar in the top right corner.

  3. Clicking on the icon will reveal the Experimental Features menu on the left of your screen.

  4. To enable or disable a feature, just check/uncheck the checkbox for the respective feature. In this illustration, we will enable the webui state support feature. After enabling the feature either click the “Reload” text button or refresh the page. The feature will only be active once the page is reloaded.


Current list of Experimental Features

Experimental Feature


Version introduced - Stage

General Availability expected by

Compact Scalar

By enabling this feature you have the option to condense the height of the scalar to a fixed height that is similar to a label or button widget. An option Enable Compact mode (1/0), will appear in the Miscellaneous section of the Scalar widget options that allows toggling the compact mode.

4.46 - Feature Candidate


Highlight Annotations

Enable this feature to use annotations to responsively highlight certain tuples in the Table and the Gantt Chart widget. Read more here.

4.68.5 - Feature Candidate


WebUI State Support

By enabling this feature the element parameters webui::CurrentPageId and webui::CurrentSidePanelPageId will be updated with the pageId of the current page the user is on and the pageId of the Side Panel page that is open, respectively.

4.72 - Feature Candidate


Skip Combining CSS/JS Files

Activate this option to load the CSS and JS files separately. This is unlike the other experimental features. This option will eventually be removed and the new setup will be applied. Read more about the improvements here. This option is merely here such that you can use the old setup in case you face issues with the new setup. Please note, you will have to close the project, reopen the project and launch the WebUI each time this option is toggled.

4.78 - Feature Standby


Widget Named Views

Enable this to use the new Widget Named Views feature. This feature allows you to create different views of a given widget and offer them to your users. End users can easily switch between the different views being offered.

4.95 - Beta


Diagram Widget Type

Enable this to use the Diagram widget type, that offers a versatile and dynamic solution for visualizing project diagrams, encompassing network flow, pipelines, layouting, and more. Comparable to the Network Object widget in the WinUI, this widget type provides enhanced features and flexibility.

24.3 - Beta


Tabbed Widget Type

Enable this to use the Tabbed widget type, that offers a convenient method for organizing and displaying content within distinct horizontal tabs.

24.6 - Beta


Development Stages

  • Feature Standby - An option that allows you to use the earlier version of a General Availability feature which has recently been introduced. This option will be removed after a period of time, allowing models to be updated and adjusted to the new feature.

  • Feature Candidate - The feature is available to be used and tested, but might have a change in implementation. There is a chance that we replace this feature with an alternative improved feature as well.

  • Beta - The feature is available to be used and tested. We collect feedback and suggestions for further improvement that may or may not be implemented before General Availability.

  • Release Candidate - The feature is stable and ready to be released unless significant bugs emerge.

  • General Availability - The feature is officially released and supported as part of the SLA.


The development stages and General Availability versions for the experimental features can change based on certain conditions.