Application Defaults Settings

The application options under the Application Defaults tab of the Application Settings are explained below.


Show Upload/Download Data Controls

The table widget features the option ‘Show Upload/Download Data Controls’ (on the ‘Miscellaneous’ tab) which allows to switch on/off the possibilities to upload/download table contents on a “per widget” level.

Starting from AIMMS 4.89, this global application setting (also called ‘Show Upload/Download Data Controls’) was introduced, with which you can override the default for all tables at once. So, if the option on the table level has not been specified, then it will inherit automatically the value of this global application option.

End User Widget Controls

This option is available as an experimental feature starting from the WebUI version 25.2. To enable it, simply turn on the feature “End User Widget Controls” in the Experimental Features dialog.

This setting allows the app developer to provide more fine-grained control over which option editor tabs are visible to the end users. More specifically, a (binary) parameter indexed over the pre-defined set webui::OptionEditorCategories from the WebUI System Library can configured here. This way, the app developer can determine whether or not the end users of the app get access to the corresponding group of options in the widget/page editor.

So, this feature impacts the application only in End User mode (the app developer will still see all option editor tabs/categories regardless of the data configured for this option).


When the “End User Widget Controls” feature flag is enabled, then the option “End User Widget Controls” becomes available under the Application Defaults tab. In this case the (older) option “Limited Option Editor” becomes obsolete and therefore, it is no longer available under the Miscellaneous tab.

Please note that, when the option “UI Editable” under the Miscellaneous tab evaluates to “false”, then the value of this “End User Widget Controls” option is not relevant.

When the “UI Editable” option value evaluates to “true” and the option “End User Widget Controls” is properly configured using an indexed (binary) parameter, then the end users will get access only to those option editor categories for which the configured parameter evaluates to a non-zero value (that is, to “true”).

However, in this latter case there are also some limitations: the effect of this setting applies only to the categories which belong to the pre-defined set webui::OptionEditorCategories. So, in particular, the Advanced section is not available for editing by end users in the settings of any widget/page.