CDM implementation details
In order to use CDM effectively, some knowledge of the internal working of CDM and its underlying database design may be useful. In this section we will, at a global level, describe the underlying principles on which CDM is implemented.
General CDM database structure
The general database structure of a CDM database consists of two parts
a collection of generic CDM tables around which every CDM database is built
a collection of app-specific tables holding the actual application data
Generic CDM database structure
When you create a CDM database for an AIMMS app for the first time, the CDM service will generic CDM database schema containing tables that define
the defined categories and their contents in terms of AIMMS identifiers (
tables)the authorization profiles and their underlying permissions (
tables)general key-value pairs used to identify the particular CDM database (
table)all branches and the ensuing tree of revisions (
tables)the (versioned) table definitions related with all AIMMS identifiers stored in the particular CDM database (
table)the mapping declaring for which identifiers data is stored in which revisions (
App-specific database structure
Next to that, when you actually create the categories, the CDM service will create app-specific tables to store
element names and their global CDM numbering for all root sets (
tables)the actual version-specific root set membership changes and data changes for scalar multi-dimensional identifiers (
CDM element spaces
Central to the working of CDM is how element spaces, or the element numbering of root sets in your model, is maintained in CDM. Root set element numbering is key to all data storage of multi-dimensional data, as every domain tuple will be stored in terms of the central CDM root set element numbering.
Only a single global element namespace table will be created for every root set used in your CDM categories will be defined in the CDM database, and the element numbering defined in it will be used for all dependent data tables for all categories and on all branches.
Notice that the element namespace tables do not define the actual membership of root set elements in their respective root sets. Root set membership is something that can change over time, and hence, for every root set, there is also a regular data table which holds the branch- and revision-specific set membership status for root set elements. Namespace tables are only used for maintaining the global and unalterable mapping from set element name to set element numbering.
Related to the global element space numbering, is the issue of renaming root set elements in CDM-managed apps, which is discussed in full detail here
Multi-dimensional data in CDM
All version-specific data storage is arranged in CDM through data tables defined for every root set, subset, and scalar and multi-dimensional identifiers in any of your CDM categories.
Dealing with structural changes
Whenever CDM detects a structural change for the identifiers in your model, it will create a new version of the data table for that specific identifier. Any old version of data tables will remain intact, as to not disturb any data history that is stored in those tables.
Use of central element numbering
For any domain or set range of a set or multi-dimensional identifier, the CDM service will create columns holding the element numbers of, and using foreign keys into, the respective namespace tables of the root sets referenced in such columns. The use of element numbers instead of element names, allows for efficient indexing of the data tables, which is key for being able to run the queries retrieving the data contents at a particular revision in the revision tree in an efficient manner.
Storing version-specific change sets
Whenever changing data for a CDM-managed identifier in your model, the CDM library will collect all individual data and membership changes for such identifiers, and set those to the CDM service. Subsequently, the CDM service will add these changes to the corresponding data tables, along with the revision number during which the changes were recorded. This means that the CDM database will only insert new data into any data table, and will never overwrite existing data. This property is the key element in storing the complete change history of all CDM-managed identifiers in your model.
Retrieving version-specific change sets
When checking out data at, or pulling changes for, a specific (set of) revisions in the CDM database, the CDM service will generate SQL queries that will efficiently retrieve a snapshot consisting of the latest changed values for all tuples over the range(s) of revisions that represent the entire requested checkout or pull. This snapshot is subsequently sent back to the CDM client requesting the snapshot, who will then integrate those changes in the currently held values for those identifier tuples. Potentially, when the local data set already holds changes compared to the latest retrieved data, this may lead the CDM library to have to perform a conflict resolution algorithm to reconcile any local changes with the remote changes being handled.
Dealing with inactive data
By default, cdm::CheckoutSnapshot
will not download inactive data, i.e., data for elements in root sets for which there is still historic parametric data, but which are not any longer part of the root sets at the selected revision. Downloading inactive data may result in data unexpectedly appearing again in identifiers when deleted set elements are re-added to the set again. This may also happen when the added set element is committed to the CDM database, and the data is checked out again. You can prevent this behavior when more carefully deleting the parametric data for elements to be deleted.
Filtering out inactive data
When checking out data, the CDM service will create temporary tables for all root sets involved in the checkout, representing the current root set membership at the revision being checked out. These temporary tables will be used to filter only active set elements for all domain and range sets of all other multi-dimensional data tables being retrieved. At the end of the checkout, all temporary tables created during the checkout will be deleted.
Shadow identifiers
When adding CDM support to your model through the call to cdm::ConnectToApplicationDB
, the CDM library will various shadow identifiers for every identifier in your model managed through CDM.
All shadow identifiers created by the CDM library are part of the CDMRuntime
library, which uses the cdmrt::
suffix. Within the CDMRuntime
libraries various types of shadow identifiers are created, all grouped by CDM category. The various types of shadow identifiers, defined in the runtime library, are
Shadow identifier domains and ranges
Note that all shadow identifiers in the CDM runtime library are always defined over the root sets of the respective domain and/or range sets of the actual identifiers. That is, as long as the root sets hold the correct values, shadow identifiers will never be subject to any domain or subset conditions that the actual CDM-managed identifiers are subject to, allowing the shadow identifiers to already hold data values, when the actual identifiers would not currently allow such because the domain identifiers or subsets used in the domain and range of the actual identifiers do not hold the correct values yet.
The actual values
The actual identifiers in the model hold the current values of the CDM-managed identifier. These values are either
obtained by checking out data or pulling changes from the CDM database, or
entered or modified by the end-user of the session at hand.
Committed values
The committed values and committed revisions identifiers hold the currently checked out or latest pulled in values of the corresponding identifier, as well as the revision during which this latest value was assigned. These identifiers are used by the CDM library to detect any local changes of the actual values stored in the model compared to the latest values retrieved from the CDM database.
Delta Out values
The delta out and delta out revision identifier are used by the CDM library to (temporarily) store the individual changes between the actual identifiers in your model, and the committed value identifiers. These stored changes are both used
when committing changes to the CDM database, as well as
during the conflict resolution phase when pulling in changes and merging branches.
Delta In values
The delta in and delta in revision identifier are used by the CDM library when handling any incoming changes passed from the CDM service
during a checkout out, or
when pulling in changes after some other user committed a change set.
Because the domain and range sets of the delta in identifiers are always defined over root sets, they will already be able hold incoming values when the domain conditions on the actual identifiers would prevent the actual identifiers to hold the identical values. The only pre-condition here is that the corresponding root sets are already holding the correct values prior to handling all multi-dimensional data.
Conflict Resolution values
The conflict resolution identifiers are defined color parameters that are used by the conflict resolution UI to indicate particular tuples and values have conflicts in the conflict resolution page. Conflict resolution identifiers and the functionality for custom conflict resolution in CDM will be only be available if the pre-defined parameter cdm::EnableCustomConflictResolution
is set to 1 (default).
Value Log identifiers
The value log and value log domain identifiers are used by the CDM library to hold the collection of historic values retrieved from the CDM database when calling the function cdm::GetValuesLog
. Compared to the actual identifiers all value log identifiers hold one extra dimension, namely the cdm::rev
index, to allow these identifiers to hold the values for several revisions, as requested in the call to cdm::GetValuesLog
. These identifiers are primarily intended to be used directly in the end-user UI to display the historic values of an actual value also displayed in the same end-user UI. Value log identifiers and the functions to retrieve the value log will only be available if the pre-defined parameter cdm::EnableValuesLog
is set to 1 (default).
Branch Comparison identifiers
The branch comparison identifiers are used by the CDM library to hold the identifier values of multiple branches in order to be able to compare multiple scenarios stored in branches.
Compared to the actual identifiers all branch comparison identifiers hold one extra dimension, namely the cdm::branch
index, to allow these identifiers to hold the values for several branches.
Through the call cdm::AddBranchToCompareSnapshots
the data for a new branch can be added to the branch comparison identifiers. Branch comparison identifiers and the functions to retrieve to add and delete branch data to these identifiers will only be available if the pre-defined parameter cdm::EnableBranchComparison
is set to 1 (default).
Data read sequence
When checking out a revision or pulling changes, the CDM service and library will cooperate to handle the incoming data as follows.
When handling a checkout or pull request, the CDM service will send one or more packets to the CDM client containing, for the range of revisions being served:
the element name-number mapping for all set elements being added
the collection of multi-dimensional data values representing the latest state of the identifiers due to being changed
Upon reception, the client will
extend all root sets with all newly added elements,
update the internal mapping of central CDM element numbering to local session element numbering
using this mapping, assign the collection of passed changes in multi-dimensional data to the corresponding delta-in shadow identifiers
Assign all values of the delta-in identifiers to the committed identifiers
If the actual identifiers in the model differ from the values stored in the committed shadow identifiers
store the changes between these two in the delta-out shadow identifiers
detect whether there are conflicts in the values stored in delta-in and delta-out identifiers
if so, apply the conflict resolution method identified by
to resolve the conflicts. This will lead to a sub-collection of the original tuples in the delta-in-revision identifiers still having a non-zero value, these tuples represent the tuples for which the conflict resolution method indicated that the remote change should prevail over the local change. If there was no data conflict, this will be true for all tuples passed from the CDM service.
Finally, set all actual values to the value stored in the delta-in identifiers for all tuples for which the delta-in-revision identifier holds a non-zero value.
As a result, the actual identifiers will still hold the local changes for all tuples where the conflict resolution method selected decided to let the local changes prevail over the remote changes.
Data read sequence when merging branches
When merging branches, a variation of the algorithm for the ordinary read sequence will be used:
Determine the revision where the current branch of the given category split off from the selected branch to merge into the current branch
Retrieve the values of that revision and store these in the committed shadow identifiers
Store the values of the head revision of the current branch into the actual identifiers, without also updating the committed identifiers
Retrieve the changes since the branch point until the head of the selected branch and store these in the delta-in identifiers
Now check for conflicts as described above, and assign the remaining changes in delta-in to the actual identifiers
Restore the committed identifiers to hold the values of the head of the current branch
The actual identifiers will now hold the values that are the result of merging both branches. When committing, the change set will hold all changes that are the result of the merge compared to the head of the current branch.