Install UI Inspect Running Solver Sessions

In this section, the installation of running solver sessions is detailed.


Start with creating a page named GSSInspectRunningSessions.

We will first check the layout of the page, and then start adding each of the three widgets in a separate section.

onload procedure should be gss::pr_refreshRunningList.

Layout of page

Choose Layout 9, adapt it, by choosing “row” for the gridAutoFLow of area A.

Overview of Running Solver Sessions

The first widget to be added is a table widget named tableGSSRunningSessionList. The contents of this widget should be:

  • gss::sp_requestDescription

  • gss::sp_application

  • gss::sp_createTime

  • gss::sp_userEnv

  • gss::sp_userName

  • gss::sp_requestProcedure

  • gss::p_runTimeoutHour

Identifier Settings

In the Identifier Settings of each of the above identifiers, change the index gss::i_sess to gss::i_runningSess


swap rows and cols.

Store Focus

Map gss::i_runningSess to gss::ep_selectedSession


The title of this table should be set to gss::sp_titleRunningSessionList

Widget Extensions

Widget Actions should be set to gss::sp_widgetActionsRunningSessions

Item Actions should be set to gss::sp_itemActionsRunningSessions

Progress table of selected session

The second widget to be added is a table widget named tableGSSProgressData


The contents of the widget should be gss::sp_value In the Identifier Settings,

  • switch index gss::i_timeSlot to gss::i_progressTimeslot, and

  • switch index gss::item to gss::i_shownItem


Pivoting: rows: gss::i_progressTimeslot, Columns: gss::i_shownItem, Totals: <IDENTIFIER>.

Miscellaneous properties:

Default column width: gss::p_progressColwidth

Title: gss::sp_progressTitle

The Gap Curve

The third widget is a (classic) line chart named linechartGSSGapDevelopment


  • gss::p_GAP

  • gss::p_Incumbent

  • gss::p_Bestbound

Identifier Settings

For each of the above identifiers, switch index gss::i_timeSlot to gss::i_gapObDevTimeslot.


Title should be gss::sp_titleGapEvolutionWidget